“To create is to bring something into existence that wasn’t there before.”

-Rick Rubin


THE SKETCHPAD is 90 minute ceremony for creative clarity & practical strategy. A space to flesh out what truly moves you and outline practical steps to move visions into reality.

THE SKETCHPAD is vision board meets strategic planning. It’s a space to brings the swirling ideas, visions, desires, dreams, and longings out of your head ~ and with Aaliyah’s playful, intuitive & investigative approach, she helps you flesh out your creative ideas and gain clarity on your next steps forward.

THE SKETCHPAD is not about hustling or rushing to your goals ~ it’s about bringing awareness, devotion and clarity to your inner creative seasons and honoring the sacredness of your innermost dreams through aligned action & rest.

THE SKETCHPAD is for you if:

1) You have an idea for a project/business/offer/content/passion project, etc. and want support clarifying the visions and implementing practical steps to bring it to life

2) You have a million ideas swirling in your mind for your business, passion projects, life dreams and desires but feel mentally/practically stuck or unclear

3) You are feeling overwhelmed, uninspired, frustrated, unsatisfied or stuck in a black hole of Resistance ~

4) You are seeking clarity, inspiration & realignment in your life/biz/career

5) You gain clarity by talking out ideas and organizing them into practical steps

6) You feel the call! ✨



a private 90 minute session with Aaliyah to flesh out your desires & move them to life

If desired, you may record your session for future reference.


a written summary of our session + personalized rituals-practices-meditations for sustainable integration of your desires

After Care will be emailed to you 24-48 business days following your session.

ON TRACK (*add-on)

For those who benefit from gentle accountability, ON TRACK is a 40-Day accountability package ~ send unlimited private text and voice notes with Aaliyah for 40 days to track your progress, receive follow-up support, inspirational messages, weekly check-ins and more.

You can choose to sign up for ON TRACK after your session. $97 USD


111 USD

This is the launch price and is subject to change. All sales are final and non-refundable.

Extra Notes

What to Bring to Your Session

To make the most of our short time together, please find a quiet, cozy space where you won’t be distracted. Bring a pen and paper (aka. your sketchpad) so you have space to write/draw/play/take notes/create. You will have the option to record the session on your own device, if desired.

While a quiet space + pen and paper are the minimum requirements, please feel free to make this space as cozy, creative and sacred as you wish. Light some candles, infuse some oils, sit by your altar, choose your favorite crystals, bring out your sketchpad, journal, planner, favorites pens and markers. Wear comfortable clothes. Make it sacred.

words of love ❥

Questions? ❥

Questions? ❥